Welcome all to Mount Carmel College R-12 2023, especially to our new families. Our Finance Team would also like to welcome Francesca Calabrese & Ana Barbaro who joined us July last year.
Thank you to all those families who have contacted me to arrange payment plans, School Card Applications and Catholic Primary Sibling Discount forms, it is appreciated.
Statements will be issued within 2 weeks and I thank you for your patience and understanding whilst I work towards finalizing them. When you receive your statement, please check that all information is correct and please refer to our 2023 Fee Schedule on our website for further detailed information which may have relevance to your family. Any anomalies noticed on your statement, please contact me as soon as possible so it can be addressed. Our checks try to minimize this occurring but as you can appreciate, we may have overlooked something and seek your assistance.
It is your responsibility to arrange a payment plan that ensures you meet the scope of our School Fees Policy by your account being paid in full by 30 November each year. This involves reviewing your payment plan regularly. I am available to assist you with this process at any time so please do not hesitate to contact me. If you have any concerns meeting that date, please contact me as soon as you possibly can as it is important to us that we apply an appropriate plan and support to individuals who are experiencing any challenges. Please be assured that all discussions remain confidential.
New Payment plans need to be completed and lodged to me annually unless it has no end date. They are not automatically renewed.
If you have a payment plan with no end date you need to review your plan annually and complete & lodge to me an amendment payment plan if required, to ensure your account is paid in full as per our Fees Policy, by 30 November.
To receive Tier 2 Fees (unless approved otherwise) annually at the beginning of each year you will need to complete a School Card Application. They are available online (our preference) or you can lodge with me a hard-copy as soon as possible. Anyone who was eligible last year or new families commencing this year who provided me with a copy of their Centrelink card along with a $50.00 Acceptance of Offer payment will automatically have Tier 2 fees applied.
School Card discounts will be reversed if we are notified that you are not eligible, and no further action is taken on your part which will confirm with us that you agree with their assessment of your application. If you do not agree with their assessment, then please either complete a Reassessment Form providing them or me with supporting documentation to lodge or contact me to discuss further.
BPAY Biller Code is 297846
Reference Number is your unique number that identifies your payment which is automatically offset against your account. The first four digits of your reference number for school fees payments should be 8267.
For those who are not familiar with this payment method it is an App that is installed onto your phone (instructions are available on our website). We are continually extending of what is to be paid by QKR and it will be on any relevant forms, letters, SEQTA or website.
Some but not limited to are the following:
- Canteen – Primary & Secondary Menu
- College Events – Graduation/Formal etc
- Sports
- Instrument Hire
- VET – for payment of Term 2 courses & onwards
The following two locations are available depending on what payment you are processing:
School fees are not a payment option by QKR.
Some but not limited to are the following:
- Canteen – Primary & Secondary Menu
- College Events – Graduation/Formal etc
- Sports
- Instrument Hire
- VET – for payment of Term 2 courses & onwards
Canteen orders by QKR – Please make sure you choose the correct Canteen Menu for the campus you are at. On occasions we have had Primary Campus students ordering of the Secondary Campus Canteen menu.
Parents/Guardians/Students - Annually please make sure you update your profile and choose your child’s current Pastoral Care Group or Roll Class. This assists the Canteen staff to prepare your order ready for collection/distribution to you timely.
Students attending have the following available for payment by QKR:
- Beanies
- Caps
- Safety Glasses
For Canteen Orders – Choose location Mount Carmel College R-12 & not Western Technical College
Donations to the Mount Carmel College Building Fund are voluntary and tax deductible. This fund assists the College in the significant capital works that are undertaken. Building Fund is not applied to your school fees but we appreciate any contribution towards our capital development and if you wish to make a donation then please contact me.
The following payment options are available:
Please use SPIKE program generated BPAY reference number and not your school fees BPAY reference number. First four numbers of your OSHC payments should be 9069.
Please ensure you clearly state the reference to appear on our bank statement is your Family name and “OSHC” clearly stated. If OSHC is not stated, payment will be automatically applied to your school fees account.
Payments can be made direct at the Primary Campus at either the OSHC Director’s office or Reception.
For further information regarding OSHC & Vacation Care please access the following link to our website choosing the Primary Campus tab:
Please do not hesitate to contact me or David Cotton, our Business Manager, if you have any questions or concerns regarding any of this information provided, in particular, any concerns or questions you may have towards your school fees.
Virginia Reimann ACCOUNTANT
8447 0502
David Cotton
8447 0525 or 0417 853 519